Micah: Hear and Hope in God&
Micah: Hear and Hope in God&
Micah: Hear and Hope in God&
Micah: Hear and Hope in God&
Micah: Hear and Hope in God&

Micah: Hear and Hope in God's Word

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For both the people of the Old Testament and us today, Micah's message calls those who are sinful and wayward to faithfulness and right relationship with the one true God.

We, like the Israelites, turn to idols to help us feel safe, fulfilled, and happy, so we need Micah's words that convict, challenge, and correct. As you study Micah, the display of God's character—his holiness, his justice, his wrath, his love, and his mercy—will help you better understand the gospel. You will see your waywardness in the people of Israel and turn from idols to your one true Savior. This is the message that Micah told the Israelites to hear: the steadfast character of our just and merciful God is our only hope. God is true to his word and faithful to the end. When we hear God's Word and place our hope in Christ, we will remain steadfast in the faithfulness of our Savior.

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Product Details & Resources

  • 5 weeks of verse-by-verse study through the book of Micah
  • 5 days of in-depth Bible study per week
  • A daily Hear & Hope section with application questions and space to practice committing God's Word to memory using your weekly memory verse
  • Weekly reflections to apply what you're learning about God and the gospel through Micah and pray your memory verse
  • Bible-centered study to discover the meaning of the text before making application to your current circumstances
  • Gospel- rich content to draw your soul into the presence of God

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© 2023 Well-Watered Women. All contents of this product cannot be copied or reproduced for any purpose.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

Great book.

Rose Harper
First time studying a Minor Prophet

This study has been so wonderful for me and my small group! Who knew how much a minor prophet book could speak into every day conversations and real life challenges!

Our team loves hearing the groups are digging into God's Word together! We're so happy that the study has been helpful to your group! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review.

Lynda Barnard

I like how the study shows the idols in our lives today. It is easy to judge the people back then for worshiping an object & overlook present day idols in our lives.

So true! Thank you for taking time to leave a review! Our team truly appreciates it!

Alison C.
Well-researched, well-written, and powerful!

This is a well-researched, well-written, and powerful five-week study that takes you verse-by-verse through the book of Micah and to a place of deep reflection, repentance, and worship. Of all the studies that I have done in my ten years of walking with the Lord, this study challenged me the most in my understanding of Scripture, as well as in the condition of my heart, and is one that I am grateful for and continuing to reflect upon.

Roseann W.
In depth

Currently going through this study with a group of pastor’s wives- it is very in depth and personal and wonderfully written. It is informative, challenging, and well worth the time and money. After I finish this, I will be purchasing others for my personal studying. Great study!

All for the Glory of God
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We exist to equip women to be rooted deeply in God's Word. We believe the Bible is the infaillible, inerrant Word of God, and we uphold God's truth above any other word. Our mission is to make disciples through creating practical tools for women to use in their daily walk with Jesus.

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